-ToWaRds YoU-

Dear You,
Tears are meant to be cried
The tears cried 3months ago were cried for you a friend to many,
A sister to some,
A daughter to one,
The crime of teenagers having some fun became a tragic end for one,
Barely knowing you a tear drop fills my eyes,
Followed by a thousand more,
It hurts to not know you as well,
I sit here wonderin' why such a beautiful relationship had to die,
Cause all we do is sit here and cry,
Now I wish I could rewind my life back to the day I met you and put it on pause,
So I would never have to see you walk out on me with no return,
I'll hope to see you someday soon,
one night I look at the moon,
Miss you,
luv always NeWayS.

ThErE YoU Are..JuST TheRE..

There you sit
And it's you I watch
But you don't even know
What it is you do to me
So I keep on watching
and wanting
as I bleed and cry,
Every time I look at your pic
Every time I talk to your pic
Every time I smell your perfume u bought 4me,
My heart continues,
And I am forever,
Whenever you pass me by,
Whenever you catch my eye,
I feel like I want to cry,
Because of what it is you do to me,
Your eyes
And your lips
And your mind
While my heart remains
Every time you look at me,
I wonder what it is you see,
Every time you talk to me
And I hear that beautiful voice,
My knees get weak,
My stomach flutters,
My chest collapses,
My neck hairs tingle,
And I stop breathing
Just in that moment of time
When you do what it is you do to me
As I sit here
I imagine you
And I want to hug you endlessly,
Forever in my arms for eternity,
I'll continue,
As long as you are,
breathing being.