Her eyes are looking at me. 
As I look into it, I see the pain. 
The feeling of despair is so evident, 
but no one else notice.
I can see her anguish, 
her suffering.

She is trapped in a world in which

no one understands.

She is trying to survive; 

each day is harder than the day before.
Why doesn't anyone else see this? 
i want to help her,
but I feel restricted by some unknown force
but Im also trapped in my own world
Her pain is so overwhelming. 
I'm still looking into her eyes,
I can't turn from them.
They are so foreign yet so for familiar! 
the pain takes hold and will not release me 
it pulls me into this empty void.  
A world she cannot relinquish herself from.
Finally, I am able to blink my eyes, 
and she is still looking back at me in the picture.


Anonymous said...

sha...its been a while plak x tgk blog u...hihi...
so dropping by to drop a comment....

"drop Comment"

luv ya...
miz ya...
takecare aite...=P