She was walking on a path,
A path that was called life,
She was walking happily through the path,
Smelling the roses all around her,
Feeling the love people around her gave to her,
She walked and walked full of joy and full of pride,
But 1 fine day something sharp pierced her feet,
The pain was such that it broke her heart,
She looked down to see what it was,
All she could see is multiple thorns,
She turned and look back to run away,
But only she could see is darkness,
A shadow appeared from the dark,
He offered his hand to her,
She didnt want to take his hand at first,
But she finally realize it was the other part of her life,
She took his hand,
He held her close,
They walked together through the thorns,
Jumping and carefully moving ahead together in pain,
When she screamed and when her tears rolled down her cheeks,
He was there convincing and holding her tight,
They walked a along together till they reached the eternal happiness after the thorns.
Copyright -VIN-